We Love Ibiza!

a graphic novel

coming 2025!

A light hearted and ecstatically fun trip down memory lane, telling the story of how the culture in Ibiza began and how it has evolved over the last 7 decades. Including all your favourite Ibiza clubs, DJs and crazy characters, a must have piece of Ibiza memorabilia for anyone who has experienced the magic of Ibiza.

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Sign up with your email and joint the waiting list. Be the first to know about the book launch, launch party and the art show in Ibiza and London. Also get instant access to the first 20 pages for FREE right now! Once you have submitted your email below we will email you a link. if you don't get it check your spam folder.

Tell me more...

What is this?

“We Love Ibiza” is a 600page graphic novel telling the story of how the culture in Ibiza was created and how it has evolved over the last 70+ years. It will be the first time that this story is all in one place, and certainly the first and perhaps the only time it will be told in comic book format.

We are thrilled to announce that we have been signed by a literary agent and are now in talks with global publishers.

We Love Ibiza will be available in English and Spanish. Other languages will be announced in due course.


who's in it?

There are many people included, from the very famous to your everyday person, who may not be famous but has a great story to tell. Some of the people are no longer with us, such as Brasilio the Creative Director of KU and Tony Pike who of course created Pikes. But with permission from their next of kin I have access to photos, stories and personal memories. 

Of course we have many DJ's included, such as Carl Cox, Sven Vath, Terry Farley, DJ Pippi, Gee Moore, Jamie Jones...the DJ list grows daily. But it's important to note that we are also including those DJ's who started the original Ibiza sound, people you have likely never heard of, yet they played a crucial part in the original sound of Ibiza. 

The Ibiza story isn't just about DJ's and nightclubs, there's so much more to this crazy little place. We will introduce you to all the soul seekers and experimentalists who followed a dream and made Ibiza their home.


Why is this being created?

The history of Ibiza is like no other, what was once a poor farming island is now one of the most famous and fiercely loved places on the planet. There’s nowhere else in the world which has undergone such a radical change in such a short space of time. The stories we have collected will blow your mind, make you cringe, laugh out loud, perhaps shed a tear and get goosebumps as you get lost in nostalgia. 

It’s an important story which needs to be told before it’s forgotten, before the experimentalists, soul seekers and risk takers who created the magic of Ibiza are no longer with us. If this story isn’t recorded now, in 20 years much of it will be forgotten. As Ibiza lovers ourselves we can’t allow that to happen. But we can’t do this alone so please sign up with your email and be first in line to pre-order a copy or buy yourself a spot in the book.


How is this being created?

We have been working on “We Love Ibiza” for 1.5 years, it’s thoroughly researched, not just by googling online, but actually tracking down and talking to the very people who feature in the story. It’s been a huge PR project, tenacity and persistence has been key, whilst also allowing things to roll out organically. Gaining the trust of the people in the story has been crucial, plus also gathering the information in an efficient and smooth fashion without being pushy or annoying, but at the same time trying to keep to a deadline. It’s quite a balancing act! By the time this project is complete we will have interviewed over 400 people, completed 1000’s of hours of research online and read close to 50 books.

This will be a very unique piece of comic artwork, with 1000’s of hours of writing and drawing, several tonnes of passion and hundreds of buckets of love poured into it. This project is a complete labour of love, no big budgets, just us and our wild imaginations.


Follow us on socials

We are sharing news and stories on Instagram and Facebook. Please follow us to be kept in the loop. If you want to be the first to know when books are available to purchase, it's best to sign up with your email at the top of this page.

Who have we been talking to?

It would be quicker to tell you who we haven't been talking to. We are very pleased to say that everyone we have approached is very engaged and excited about the project. Below are just a handful of the brands we have spoken to so far As you can imagine it's a huge task getting everyone's permission, we are so grateful to those who support us, entrusting us to tell their brands story in the best way possible.

Las Dalias Ibiza

Who's creating this?

we are!

We are Make Me A Comic, a British company founded by Aura Gold. We are a team of professional comic artists and writers, and we create custom comic artwork for people just like you. Such as custom comic strips, custom comic books and custom comic covers. We have been in business since 2016, we only have 5 star reviews, and best of all, we love what we do!

We also create custom comic books for businesses to explain their product or service in a fun and entertaining way. We have worked with the likes of Microsoft and Google and dozens of other tech firms.

More recently we have also created comic storyboards for movie pitches, and product pitches, working with companies and individuals globally.


Aura Gold

All I ever wanted to do was draw and create, I could draw before I could write. I have a degree in Illustration and I have studied painting in New York, Vienna and Greece. I started creating custom comics in 2011, it was a passion which quickly grew into a profession. As soon as I registered the business, the demand for custom comic artwork grew. I now have a team of 15 artists from around the globe.

In 2020 I moved to Ibiza and quickly discovered what a curiously wonderful and totally crazy history this island has. My natural curiosity and love of a good story is how "We Love Ibiza" came about. I never anticipated it would get so big, or involve so many people. It didn't need much of a push, things moved fast! I won’t lie, the procrastination was real, I questioned whether I could pull it off, got totally overwhelmed, had a freak out…and then would get a sign I was on the right path. I truly believe the story is so special and unique that it must be told so it's never forgotten.

I research and write “We Love Ibiza”, track down the people, persuade them to be in the project and interview them. I then take all these smaller stories and weave them together to create one single cohesive story which is informative, flows and entertains. When you're dealing with something as random as Ibiza, it certainly has its challenges, but with those challenges come some great wins.


Rodrigo Cardama

I’ve been working for Make Me A Comic since 2016, I am a professional comic illustrator. I have been interested in comics since a very young age, I loved to copy my favourite characters out of the comic books, creating my own stories. Creating custom comic artwork everyday is my dream job, it doesn’t feel like work, I pinch myself everyday. 

Aura and I work very well together, when she approached me with this project I had no idea just what I was in for. Like Aura said it’s been quite stressful at times, but once we truly committed it’s been super fun. I have never visited Ibiza but I'm beginning to feel like I've lived there for years after learning so much about this crazy island. Everyday I’m blown away with the stories Aura uncovers, sometimes I can’t believe they are true! It’s been a lot of detective work on Aura’s part, she’s great with people though, and her genuine passion and love for the project shine through. I'm not surprised that so far everyone she's approached wants to be in it and share their Ibiza memories with her.

I draw and colour “We Love Ibiza”. I start off by taking Aura's written brief and creating a rough sketch of the whole page. Aura then approves it, I then refine my drawing and colour it. Once the page is complete we send the page to a colleague to add the text.


Join the waiting list!

Register with your email and get early access to all information regarding the book launch, launch party and the art show in Ibiza and London. Also get instant access to the first 20 pages for FREE!


How do I get a FREE sneak peak?

Sign up with your email at the top of this web page.

How else can we help?

You can also help by sharing the project with anyone who you think might be interested. Word of mouth is what we are relying on. We hope that we have created a cool enough project that news will travel fast around the globe. So please share this page, share our videos, tell the world!

Will it be available in Spanish?

Yes we will have both Spanish and English versions available.

Will there be an audio book?

Actually yes there will. It won't be a standalone audio book though, it will be something you listen to as you read the book. It will narrate the story and also play music from that time period, creating an immersive experience.

The audio book will be available after the book launches, late 2024 / early 2025.