What is manga?
Manga is a Japanese term which refers to comics and cartooning. Outside of Japan, the term Manga is used to refer to comics originally published in Japan. Manga is enjoyed by all kinds of different people, of all ages and all walks of life. Manga comics covers a wide range of subjects from comedy, action, horror, erotic to mystery.
Since the 1950’s Manga has become a huge part of Japan's publishing industry. In 2022 the manga market was worth Y615 billion which is significantly bigger than the American comic market. Since 2010 Manga comics have regularly out sold American comics. In 2021, Manga made up 76% of all comic and graphic novel sales in the US. Yes Manga is HUGE!
Opposite is a Manga comic from 1945, MAA-CHAN NO NIKKICHOU – OSAMU TEZUKA, 1946
What is the difference between
manga and anime?
Anime is Japanese animated TV shows, whilst Manga is Japanese comics and graphic novels. They both share a very unique visual style, and a lot of Anime TV series are based on Manga comics and vice versa.